How to choose an emerald? How much is emerald worth? If you don't know what to look for, buying emerald jewelry can be daunting. This easy guide helps you to buy emeralds with confidence.
Emerald is the birthstone of May and is the most famous and well-known member of the beryl family. It is a typical green gemstone and has been used since ancient times. Throughout history, emeralds have been classified as one of the 5 main gemstones and are considered superior to all other gemstones. Even today, this green gemstone is still highly sought after, and a jewelry collection without emeralds is incomplete.
If you want to buy emeralds, whether in bulk or just an emerald ring, you need to consider several factors to avoid being ripped off. Before you buy emeralds, let us see what you need to know.
What Color is Emerald
There is no doubt that color is the most important feature of emeralds. After all, the word emerald is synonymous with green, and if it is not green, then it is not emerald. The best emerald color is vivid and evenly green. An emerald should not look too obviously dark, nor to obviously blue , nor too obviously yellow.
The color as we understand it is broken down into three components: Hue, Tone and Saturation
Emerald Hue
Hue refers to the primary color and secondary color of the gem. In the case of emeralds, it will be green, and may have secondary colors of yellow or blue. More than 70% of the emeralds on the market come from Colombia, and blue-green emeralds are usually produced.
Emerald Tone
Hue refers to the lightness or darkness of an emerald. The best emeralds have a medium tone, which is neither too bright nor too dark. Emeralds that are too light will appear soft and inexpensive, while emeralds that are too dark will not have the well-known vibrancy and color of emeralds.
Emerald Saturation
In a nutshell, an ideal emerald should have a medium to light tone, high saturation, and a bright green hue.
Emerald Clarity
Emerald clarity refers to the appearance of the inside of the gem. The clarity of emeralds makes them different from any other gemstone. Most emeralds contain inclusions, including small amounts of gas, other minerals and crystals, as well as the liquid formed during the crystallization of emeralds. These inclusions are also called "jardin", which means garden in French. The transparency and clarity of emeralds are closely related. Inclusions visible to the naked eye are generally accepted, but if these inclusions affect clarity and transparency, the value of the emerald will be greatly reduced.
Emerald Cut
The cutting part determines the clarity of the gem, but it can only be determined by the gem cutter. Emerald is easily damaged during polishing, cutting, setting, and even daily wearing. "Emerald cut", also known as trap cut or step cut, is designed for emeralds. It protects gems from mechanical strain and chipping. This cut (also used for other gemstones) helps to maximize the hue, tone and saturation of an emerald, thereby enhancing its overall beauty. In addition to the emerald cut, this gemstone is available in oval, pear, round, asscher and cushion.
Emerald Carat Weight
Emeralds are weighed in carats, which are the same as diamonds. Unlike the previous factors, carat weight is only a measure of weight. Incorporating weight into the price is much more complicated. Weight measures the rarity of a gemstone, not its quality. The reason the carat weight is so closely related to the price tag is because this is how the dealer knows the rarity or value of this gem. Emeralds weighing 1 to 5 carats are very popular as main stones.
Where are Emerald Found
In the emerald jewelry industry, there are many standards for what is an "ideal" emerald. Not all emeralds are created equal. Many experts say that the best emeralds in the world come from Colombia. The country's natural emerald deposits are the most abundant in the world. Colombian emerald cutters are experienced, so you are likely to get a beautiful gem. Most of the ideal emeralds quoted are from Colombia, but Zambia is also capable of producing world-quality emeralds.
The most important thing is what you are satisfied with. Color preference is a highly personal topic, and not everyone has the same taste for emeralds. The types of inclusions that some people consider acceptable vary from person to person. In addition, the color can be matched with another emerald or green jewelry. Remember, emeralds are a series of colors, not just one color!